LogicStream Health and the Electronic Medical Record Software Niche

November 28, 2018 – Lee Schafer from the Star Tribune recently wrote an article about the electronic medical record software niche that includes health care providers, their electronic medical records and LogicStream Health’s software solutions.


“LogicStream Health … [is] a good example of a firm in a technology niche with lots of opportunity that seems to be a great fit with the health care know-how that our region has in abundance” states Schafer. LogicStream Health sells software to big health care providers to help make their electronic medical record (EMR) systems a lot more useful in improving patient care and taking out costs.

Patrick Yoder, LogicStream Health co-founder and CEO, said electronic medical record companies such as Epic and its competitors consider themselves software companies with health care customers. It’s then up to the doctors, nurses and pharmacists to figure out how to best use their EMR systems.

LogicStream Health started with a system that allowed organizations like Fairview Health to better manage all of the content in their electronic medical records. Then, the direction moved to also helping health care providers manage the content of the EMR systems by helping them implement and monitor what they decide is the best or current standard of medical care.

Using a tool like LogicStream Health’s helps design a workflow for a variety of simple to complex cases, ranging from alerts of a patient being due for a colon cancer screening to a full surgery. Additionally, it can help better present preferred protocol recommendations in the EMR to avoid physicians or other across a health care organization bypassing them.

Customers of LogicStream Health primarily focus on what happens once a patient has been admitted to the hospital. When that happens, care has the potential to dramatically jump in cost and lead to lots of opportunity to both waste money and depart from best care practices.

One example comes from a customer who saved some money by dropping a form of blood test that had been routinely ordered when clinicians suspected a heart attack. A newer and better test has been largely adopted, but unless someone changed the electronic medical record, an emergency-room physician could order both tests.

“If health systems are trying to do this work, they can and do utilize their internal reporting teams” without using technology like LogicStream Health’s, said Dr. Brita Hansen, the company’s Chief Medical Officer. “The problem is that they don’t have enough resources to pull reports on all this stuff, and it’s very much not self-service.”

Another EMR problem that this company addresses is looming drug shortages, a surprisingly painful problem for health care providers. By aggregating data from its customer base, LogicStream Health might be able to spot a potential shortage before it develops and suggest some workarounds. Learn more about LogicStream Health’s Drug Shortage App here.

Big opportunities exist in the health information technology industry because of the amount of time clinicians spend maintaining EMR data. Half of a typical physician’s day is spent entering data and doing other clerical work in an EMR, which is one of the top factors leading to physician stress and burnout. That’s where LogicStream Health is available to help.

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About LogicStream Health

LogicStream Health is trusted by a community of high-performing healthcare providers across the United States. The company’s clinical process control and improvement software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform stands alone in its ability to help customers gain instant insights to improve vital clinical processes and patient care. As a result, customers reduce cost and improve outcomes.

The LogicStream Health SaaS platform is ‘must-have’ technology enabling clinical teams to quickly improve clinical processes in near-real-time and is designed for rapid implementation and easy adoption by end-user clinicians, informaticists, data analysts and executive teams.

LogicStream Health software today is supporting hundreds of hospitals on a scalable and sustainable technology platform to standardize processes and deliver highly reliable healthcare.