Alerts Management


The overuse of ineffective alerts can cause too much noise in the delivery of clinical care. Providers are too often interrupted leading to wholesale dismissal of alerts which could result in patient harm and clinician alert fatigue.


With LogicStream Health, health systems can measure and monitor the effectiveness of all their alerts. This measurement is used to improve alerts leading to enhanced clinician compliance, improved patient safety and better outcomes.

Our Solution

LogicStream Health offers hospital and clinic staff the ability to manage all their alerts and associated content to positively impact clinical care delivery. With LogicStream Health Clinical Process Software Solutions, you can:

We invite you to see for yourself. Schedule a 20-minute demo to learn more about how health systems are using LogicStream Health to manage and measure all their alerts. In just a brief demo we can share with you statistics from our clients that highlight how often a given alert fired, the trigger points in the workflow where alerts appeared and when the appropriate action was taken. Download the Alerts Report to learn more about everything outlined above and the importance of managing your clinical alerts. Then schedule a quick, 20-minute demo to learn more about Clinical Process Improvement and Control with the LogicStream Health Platform.

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